Launched in 2013 as a community for the general public,new is a collection of everyday occurrences and through this means,it gets to the audience undiluted.
We are here to serve our readers while it's still hot from happenings around the world ranging from Crimes,Events,Natural Disasters,Politics and sports; We also have a spot for beauty and beauty care products
That, my friends, was intentional. Why? Because when the right people visit our About Page, I want them to KNOW it. I want them to immediately realize that this site is created for THEM. I highly recommend specifying who your site is for so that you can quickly connect with the reader. Of course, some people who aren’t “entrepreneurs, bloggers, [or] small biz rockstars” may read that and think that this site isn’t for them. They may exit out of our site and never come back. But that is a-okay, friends. We want to appeal to the right people, not #allthepeople
You can connect with me using any of our social handle on the site!